Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Time 2 Get Back on Track

Hey guys!

Unfortunately I lost the plot a little since my last post. Quite alot has happened...I have had a birthday (turned 23 on Saturday)...been out for meals for both my friends bday and my own bday. And generally just being more social than normal. WW wise I sort of went one week, didnt go the next, went the week after, then last week I was ill.....so I couldnt go.

However I did go back today and here is how it went:

Was: 11st 12lb
Lost: -3lbs
Now 11st 9lb

So thats 2lbs away from goal!!!!! Really I should have reached goal weeks ago now but theres been too much messing about so as of tomorrow I will be starting fresh, including getting back into the gym and swimming!!!

Heres a pic of me on my birthday:

I got a really nice Gucci bag, Ugg boots and Tiffany & Co earrings off my boyfriends so that was nice. Hoping to go to the German Market in Birmingham city centre this weekend so that should be nice too.

I still don't have my 50lb certificate so I am going to see if I get it next week and then if not I will complain straight to weight watchers.

I have had a mooch around all of your blogs and caught up with you all again. Oh yeh annnd I got into a pair of Miss Sixtys....not the ones I named in my goal over there ----> but I still got into a pair of them so thats got to be good.

Here is my plan for the week, hopefully it will help me stay on track:

Wednesday: Swim (maybe gym too)
Thursday: LBT, Step and Body Jam
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Gym
Monday: Spinning
Tuesday: wi
Final thought: "Dont give up!"

Thursday, 22 October 2009

I would like your opinion

Hello lovelies!

I am much more calmer this week as I spoke to my leader and she showed me an email from the area manager saying that they had run out of 50lb certificates so she would have to order them and then send it to me asap.

I didnt weigh with the clerk either...oh and I also found out I was actually 11st 12.5lb last week after all but I will just pretend I was 11st 11.5 like I reported because...

Was: 11st 11.5lb
Lost: 0
Now: 11st 11.5lb

So technically I really lost a lb but nevermind I will just record it as a STS like I have...sorry if you have lost me lol.

Anyway I really want your opinion. Basically this is what I am aspiring to:

That model is Emanuela de Paula (face of Next) she is 5"9 in height so I think she is a realistic aspiration for me. Well sort of anyway as I am 5"10...but I dont have her bust size lol.

Yeh so I will get on with it...what I am asking is, Is she too thin? Do you think I should aspire to be be bigger than her? Personally I think her legs and figure is fabbbb and I would really love to have it but thinking about it sensibly...I really dont think my legs will ever look like hers as I have chunky legs and ridiculously BIG knees!!!!!!!!!! (you can see what I mean if you go back a few postings and look at my pics)

I would just like to know what you think anyway.

WW wise...is went spinning on Monday....and I forced myself to keep up, which I did and the day after my legs were aching like they have never ached before lol. It felt good though in a weird way :s I thought I would have put on as I keep picking at chocolate fingers and all sorts of stuff when I go home to my moms. I was even slicing chunks off the left over sunday chicken (after my meal) everytime I went into the kitchen as it was delicious!!!!!! NOW that is absolutely ridiculous but do you know what I was thinking at the time "oh its lean meat (chicken breast) it wont do that much harm" grrrrrrrr

Well at least I didnt put on but i was close as I saw the numbers flash 11st 12lb befor it settled on the 11.5lb....but then again I supppose I still would have technically lost 0.5lb anyway.

Right thats enough of my ramblings...let me know what you think about Emanuela anyway...thanks

final thought "gone over by 8points today...what is wrong with me? Seriously 20points to eat is not enough!!!!"

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

I got it, sort of...50lb!!!!!

Hehe Im so happy and a little confused many good things happened for me this week but at the cost of negative things....all ballanced i guess though lol. Heres how I did:

Was: 12st
Lost: -2.5 (I think)
Now: 11st 11.5lbs (i think)

Thats it you saw rightly....I think thats what I am. I really cant remember what I weighed at wi this week because the clerk got it wrong AGAIN and then to top that off she didnt acknowledge my 50lb milestone so when I pointed it out and asked her if I get a certificate she said "oh the leader doesnt do them"!!!!! Man did I see RED!

I was so gutted and angry because she messed up my wi book again, she wrote 11st 11.5lb but in the weight lost bit she wrote I lost 2lbs, when it would have been 2.5lb (dont know whether im 11st 11.5 or 11st 12.5!!!) I cant even remember because I was so upset at wi I sort of switched off anyway. I have put down 11st 11.5lb so next week I will be really satisfied with a STS. All I know is I am never weighing with HER again!!! I felt so upset I even considered changing classes.

I text my leader on the night and she apologised and said she had to order them from her area manager and I am to weigh with her next week.

But regardless of that I have reached 50lb loss so Well Done me!!!!! I really thought I would have put on again as I went out for a meal to celebrate my cousins graduation and I had a Lamb Shank it was like meat on a hugggge bone lol...very yummy though.

Plus I also wore a SIZE 10 blazer from New Look!!! OMG my arms actually fit into a SIZE 10 Yet alone my BODY lol!!!!! Well pleased at that.

final thought "I officially dislike THAT ww Clerk!!!"

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

:( And Back AGAIN! :(


Was 11st 13.5lbs
Gained: +0.5lb
Now: 12st AGAIN

WTF!!! I thought I had done an dusted that stone...ok ok so I didnt have as much water as I should have and I had a few pizza slices on monday (day b4 wi) so yeh i can see where its come from BUT it doesnt have to trick me like that!!!!! B4 Wi I checked my moms new ww scales and it sais 11st 11lb.........got to wi to find otherwise.

Oh well, that'll teach me!

Ok so last week I tried out Body Jam and it was really good although I did it through a headache as I did Step, LBT the Body Jam one after another. This week though I will be more prepared with headache tablets and give it a really good go. Step nearly killed me as it does everytime I do it.

I have already banked 1 gym session today as I went to the gym while waiting for my car to be serviced THAT COST £176!!!!!!!!! grrrrr!! I am hoping to go to step, lbt and body jam 2moz again and then spinning and another gym session on monday!

Got a graduation meal to go to on the weekend for my cousin so I am going to have to be really good. I was really looking forward to getting my 50lb certificate too :(

Better luck next week eh!


Wednesday, 30 September 2009

In the 11s

Hi my lovelies!!!

I will get straight to the point this week for once lol:

Was: 12st
Lost: 0.5lb
Now: 11st 13.5lbs

Woooohoooooo im in the 11s!!!!! I am so excited, I also got my silver 7 I was owed from last week. Not long to go now and I cant wait.

I am so lucky though to have lost because my bf came down on friday for the weekend and my god we ate lol...chinese (from a place that does the food in boxes like america lol) I felt like I was in America, I tell ya. Yeh but to have had a loss is really good, this week I have to work really hard to have a bit more decent loss next week.

I also wore a skirt out that I got in Matalan in a size 12!!!!!! With black tights of course. I was supposed to go to Bella Italia as being a student I have got a 50% off voucher but we didnt really fancy it so, we decided to go to a chinese buffet to find it was closed...Bella Italia was in the same place but I didnt have my voucher on me and I was not going to pay full price when I knew I could have got 50% off lol...so chinese it was! Here is my outfit, featuring... "the skirt" lol:

It, "the skirt", didnt really get showcased enough lol as the chinese we then bought after discovering the closure of the buffet place was a takeaway...so I got all dressed up for nothing!

I dont think I got round to the gym at all last week....Getting ridiculous now!!! Actually I didnt get round to it so this week I really have to go!!!!!!

I need something to tone my legs...I did see a squat challenge a few months ago on someones blog so I will have a search for it and give it a go...see it it improves the thighs!!! If it was you blog, leave me a message to let me know, thanks.

Final thought "Will I get my 50lb certificate next week? 0.5lb to loose"

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

And Another One...

Hehe!!!! Another silver 7!!!!!!! Infact the 7th silver 7!!! Therefore I have now lost 3 and a half stones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing is that! Ok ok im done with the exclamation marks lol...ok just 1 more! LOL

So heres how wi went...well sort of:

Was: 12st 3lbs
Lost: -2lbs
Now: 12st

Ok so I said sort of because once again my leader did not recognise I had lost 49lbs...which would have given me my 7th silver 7. Instead she wrote 48lbs and why I dont know. I didnt even realise again as I forgot I was even close to another silver 7 so I was just like "jump on the scales, and jump off them".

So now I have to edit my wi log book AGAIN, and yes this will make it look messy. I am so annoyed at that, why does it always happen to me?

Anyway enough of that...I am 1lb away from my 50lb certificate and 7lbs away from goal. (I really want to use exclamation marks lol) I am so excited as I love seeing those number go down.

Right, so last week I said I wanted to go to the gym 3x...well that didnt happen but only because I caught a cold and I went once (when I had the cold) and my ears were blocked and my balance was jus wayyyyy off so I didnt really enjoy it. Decided to give it a rest till this week. My ww kitchen scales are fab too, I Love them.

Foodwise I was pretty good until Monday where I didnt really point at all...trust me to do that a day before weigh in :roll eyes:

This week my bf is coming down which mean going out for meals and having takeaways....I will eat in moderation though because I really want to get to goal soooooooo badly

Final thought "I really need to start toning up my legs now"

Thursday, 17 September 2009


OMG guess what? My wi starts at 7.15pm and I came home from uni and put a movie on and got into bed (i guess i was setting myself up for what happened next) I FELL ASLEEP!!! I must have dozed off at around 5pm and when i opened my eyes it was dead on 7.15pm!!!!!!!

I jumped up like the speed of lightening!!!! Then I thought, i will leave it until next week then at that very point something slapped sense into me as I grabbed my bag, my ww card, monthly pass, keys and ran to the car!!

Bare in mind it takes me about 20-25mins to drive to wi @ normal speed. Well i got into the car at 7.20 and arrived at wi at 7.35!!! I just thought OMG im late they will have packed away etc (as i dont stay for meetings and usually am in and out of there by 7.10 as the leader starts when she is ready) Well i was the last to get weighed....here is how it went

Was: 12st 3lbs
Lost: -1lb
Now: 12st 2lbs
I really thought I would have put on this week but obviously i didnt. Anyway back to the story...I realised I had forgotton the £5 voucher to buy the ww kitchen scales!!!!!! My mom gave me £35 to buy them and there I was in the meeting with no voucher! Thank god for my leader as she had a spare one....so I was able to get them and they are fab....really easy to use. I know its a bit late into my journey to have them but they will still come in handy. So there ya go.
My week this week has been a disaster. Thornton chocolates + Thornton chocolates = Over points alllll week!!! I even bought a hand blender and blitzed up some veg soup with sweet potatoe and butternut squash (yum 4.5points for the whole thing....ask for the receipe if you want it)! It obviously worked. Unfortunately I am over my points again today by 5.5!!! But i will pull it back!

I went to the gym twice last week as planned so this week im am going to try and make it 3x...starting 2moro!

Fingers crossed!
Also I got some lovely buys on bigwardrobe.com........mini skirts!!!!! I have neverrrr worn a mini skirt in public before (last time was about year8 - school skirt and it was not mini). It was a Criminal skirt i got for a £10 brand new.....bargain or what!!! Everyone commented on how well it suited me...my mom, sister, cousin etc. I felt quite confident in it too. I also got a miss sixty mini skirt and a new look mini skirt, both denim but I will wear them when I get to goal (need to loose a few more lbs first)

Final thought: "I love loosing weight, I just wish the end stage was not so hard!"

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Re-intro to gym!

Wassup yall! lol

I thought I had better do this weeks post befire Thursday turns into Friday LOL

Ok so here it is:

Was: 12st 3.5lbs
Lost: -0.5lbs
Now 12st 3lbs

Am unfortunately I am now fearful of gaining next tuesday as I went over my points yesterday BIG STYLE!! Like 10-12 points over!!!! Please dont tell me this is how I am going to act being so close to goal!!! Need to get my head screwed on! Im going the gym in a bit, YAY im back in with it i suppose. I went last week and did LBT.....ached everywhere after so this week I steppin' it up lol...Im doing step and then LBT.

Actually the only area that was not hurting last week was my stomach muscles so obviously I was not doing the positions properly!!!! Need to concentrate on that today!

Going to try and gym it at least 2 times this week as last week I managed a measley 1!!

Anywhooooo, gotta go now so catch up with ya's soon

final thought: "grand prix this weekend wooooooo come on lewis give us another burst of entertainment....!!"
x x x

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

September = Fresh start

...a pinch and a punch for the 1st of the month...lol....childhood memories

Hiiiiiiiii everyone, I thought I'd post today as it's the 1st of sept...everything just feels fresh! Oh yeh before I forget, at the end of every blog post I do is a little option for you to click (funny, interesting and cool), it just provides an easier way of commenting I suppose...and lets me know I have readers lol!

As you can proberly tell Im in a better mood this week:

Was: 12st 4.5lbs
Lost: -1lbs
Now: 12st 3.5lbs

So yeh I lost 1lb and that was with eating 2 kebab and chips, a mcdonalds and a kfc this week (all pointed though) How bloody awful does that sound?? Well I wont be doing that again, it was only because my bf came back off holiday and I half moved into uni halls (had no kitchen stuff or food). So its a complete 1 off. I am sooooo happy with my 1lb loss though cuz I know if I had eaten more heathily I would have got a better loss.

I didnt go to the gym either with the moving to uni halls and driving back to bham fro Milton Keynes I had no time. I have got an assignment to complete before Monday so this week will be really lucky if it sees me in the gym, but I am going to try and find time for an hour session here and there (although an hour session is more like 2hours by the time you have travelled to the gym, got changed, worked out, had a shower, got changed again and driven back home)

Big Wardrobe went really well for me I sold the light pink top I showed you all last week for a tenner plus £3.50 for postage and I should be getting a denim skirt from there in the post tomorrow........cant wait, its a size 12! I will put my username for bigwardrobe.com ------> over there somewhere as Im uploading loads of stuff 2night and a variety of sizes. Heres a sneek preview for ya

OMG i nearly forgot the say IM BACK AT MY MEETINGS now lol. The atmosphere was a little sombre though lol....I think the leader should bring a radio or something but then again with stupid laws thats probably not allowed.

Do you like what "skinny me" is wearing -------------------> over there somewhere? Its my autumn outfit lol (will change everytime I do a new post).
Also follow this blog....http://macalicious-iheartcosmetics.blogspot.com/2009/08/giveaway.html she is doing a give away (make up) and its a fantastic blog!

final thought: "I thought the 13s were hard to get out of but the 12s are absolutely ridiculous!"

x x x

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

And I thought last week was ridiculous...

...well this week just killed it! Take a look for yourself:

Was: 12st 5lbs
Lost: -0.5lb
Now: 12st 4.5lbs

A measly bloody half a pound. Absolutely ridiculous.

Anyway I have had an amazing week I drove back home (cuz im a motorway pro now) for my aunties surprise birthday party and it was fabulous!!!! She was well and truly surprised and she loved my gift. I got her a gift box from handycandy. I cook the macaroni cheese to bring to the party becuase its my speciality and guess what I DIDNT EAT IT!!!!!! Woooooohooooooooo! Thats like a revelation for me as its my favourite food ever. (see my very first post and you will see a pic of my speciality) It went down well too everyone LOVED it.

I thought I would have blown my points but I dont think I did (its hard to point caribbean food) as I really didnt eat much at all even though there was ALOT of food. I sipped on diet coke and resisted the lovely cocktail punches my cousin made up (loads of alcohol in em). We had a bouncing castle, the music revolved around the man himself Mr Michael Jackson and everyone turend up so it was a lovely family/family friends affair.

Of course I then drove back the MK to fulfill my duties for 1more week, during which I lost 0.5lb!!!!!!!!!

To be honest I have not been to the gym like forever so I am not surprised my weight loss is close to being non existant! I really want to go to the gym 2moro so I thing I wil get up early and go (plus my bf comes back from holiday)! I am 7lbs lighter since he has been away so will be nice to see if he notices.

Oh yeh thank you to mzhindmarsh who made me aware of www.bigwardrobe.com

ITS AMAZING...at the mo I have 3 items (see below) on there but as soon as I get back home I will upload more stuff. My name on there is "highfashion"...go to members and search me!

I really want a demin skirt as I have a vision of what I want to wear to uni this autumn and it involves a denim skirt, and these boots (with tights of course):

Thats all for now folks, have a nice week...

...final thought: "does any1 actually read my posts?"

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

feeling like BLEUGGGH!

Weight went ok....did hope to loose a little more but nevermind:

Was: 12st 6lbs
Lost: -1lb
Now: 12st 5lbs

So 1lb, nothing great but I should moan either. I have sorta written this week off already as my aunty is having a surprise bday party on Saturday and there is going to be LOADSSSSSSSSSSSSS of good food I have not eaten in ages!!!!!! But then again I suppose I should still try as I really want to get to goal and I really want a loss next week.

Also I had a McDonalds for dinner 2night and I havent pointed anything so I feel like Im loosing already........not loosing weight lol.....loosing the week!

I will point it though cuz I have only had a glass of orange juice and about 5points worth of pasta 2day so I suppose it is not too bad really. I need to save points for saturday if I am going to be successful any at all!!! And Im so hungry all the time!

Has Any1 got any nice 0.point snack suggestions I can fill up on?

I would also like to take the opportunity to draw ur attention to the GOAL countdown over ------> there and also if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find my weight and bmi tracker.....I have no idea how to get it to the top of the blog where normal people have it.

Anyway thats all for now.......oh yeh aint been gym in like 2weeks but I have been running outside....I cant wait to get home so I can get back into my routine.

Final thought: "I wonder how I will manage going the gym balanced with placement, placement portfolio, uni lectures, assignments and a dissertation?????? hmmmm!"

x x x

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Congratulations to MEEEEEEE!

I have just spent the morning working out all of my achievements and if you dont mind me saying they are fanttttttttttaaaastic!!!! I will start with how I got on at wi:

Was: 12st 8lbs
Lost: -2lbs
Now: 12st 6lbs

Woohoooo! Ok well I got my 6th silver 7 yesterday meaning I have lost 3stone 1lb on this journey (feb-now) not to mention the 10 or 11lb I lost last year during my 1st ww attempt!

I checked my BMI and as it stand I AM HEALTHYYYYY!!!! My BMI is 24.96 and I am welllllll pleased!!! I have 13lbs to go until I get to goal now and I can hardly wait. As you all might know I have not being weighing at my normal ww because Im in a different city (for another 3weeks now) so I have been a visitor! I am hoping my leader will be proud by the time I get back, which should be just intime to scoop up my 50lbs certificate...which I hope I dont achieve before I get back (sounds silly, I know)

Actually I am also hoping that the ww scales at my normal meeting dont show me something ugly when I jump on them lol......nevertheless it will only be a few lbs difference if any at all. But forget that, i'll cross that bridge when I get to it as NOTHING as in NADA can burst my bubble today!!!!!!!!

I wonder if I look different compared to when my bf went on holiday (2.5wks ago)??? Hopefully he will have a nice surprise when he gets back anyway (3weeks from now).

Good Luck to all with their weight loss this week!
x x x

Thursday, 6 August 2009


Hello all...

I am so naughty....I have left it so long to post and look its thursday already lol. Well anyway im sort of slipping but I think I have caught myself. Actually first of all let me reveal how this weeks wi went:

Was: 12st 9.5lbs
Lost: -1.5lbs
Now: 12st 8lbs

So wi went well......for some reason I was really dreading it and actually felt ill stepping on to the scales lol but yeh that went ok. But now I have to find a new building in a city I am not from of familiar with...because the ww meeting is moving for 2weeks because of something so that should be fun...NOT (remember that lol, saying "not" after everything)

Ok well here's the "slipping" part- after wi I had a chicken kebab and chips...not too bad but I then had a 1/4 of my sisters beef and onion pie and the chicken kebab was horrible...tasted a bit burnt like charcoally but not in a good way BUT yes i still ate it lol. AND then today my sister said "i want a pizza" - shes 6years old. - so I said OK lets order a pizza.......HOWEVER I did order it with low fat cheese but the chicken kicker side couldnt have helped lol

So anyway to compensate for that I promised to go skipping out side with my sister and I nearly backed out but she wouldnt let me so round of applause for her...I got on my gear (sound a bit like a drug dealer there lol)...I'l start again....I put on my exercising clothes and she skipped and I ran....Loved it, definately going again 2moz...actually I want to go all week...I think that should be my goal for this week.

Finally I didnt go gym today as planned but I will definately go 2moro...

Final final thought of the night..."I cant wait to eat 2moz" yep, im feeling like that unfortuantely

x x x

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

I went AWOL

Hey guys

I know i know i went AWOL for like 2weeks! Well thats because I wasn't on plan at all. I went to Milton Keynes from my home town and I am still there (will be here for a month). Anyway not being in my own house upset my eating because I didnt want to appear fussy so I just ate when everyone else ate and what they ate too.

But I'm back now and I went to wi yesterday and i have lost 2lbs. So my stats are:
Was: 12st 11.5lbs
Lost: -2lbs
Now: 12st 9.5lbs

Yayyyyyy! I really thought I would have put on but luckily I didnt, thank god!

I also went AWOL from the gym too but on monday I went back and I feel good. I also went today and plan on going on friday too. The Milton Keynes gym is another new enviroment for me...it in the Xscape centre and whilst running on the tread mill I can see people toboggonin, snow boarding and skiing on the indoor real snow slopes.

I am going to check out the whole centre and see what sort of shops they have there...also thinking of going to see Harry Potter tomorrow so I think I should ba able to check the place out then.

Oh yeh some woman crashed into my car while it was parked in a shopping centre carpark so its gone away to be fixed......(small dent and scrape to the passenger side door and wheel arch)

Other than that nothing else is going on.

x x x

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Goal Officially Set

Hey guys!

Right so I was going to write this post 2moro but I am sooooo bored I thought I might as well do it now.

At wi today (well yesterday now looking at the time) I was pretty happy:
Was: 13stone
Lost: -2.5lbs
Now: 12st 11.5lbs

Yeh so thats why lol, i lost 2.5lbs although now I am stressing thinking next week will be a sts or something worst....dunno why, I guess I am just too used to loosing 2lbs at a time. Anyway I officially set my goal with my leader today....dunno what to make of my meetings to be honest as the first goal I set with her was 13st 10lbs and then when I reached there nothing happened, didnt set another on or anything, and she didnt acknowledge it. Also a few months ago asked my leader if I could set my final goal weight and she said "no we will set mini goals and set the big one when we get closer to there" (obviously that didnt happen) So today I just told her I want to set my final goal and so we did. Its 11st 7lbs which wont be new to you guys but now it is officially set.

To be honest Im thinking did she not want to set my goal because she wanted me to continue paying for the meetings? Then I thought well what I pay probably does not benefit her directly so I dont know what was up with that situation.

ANYWAY lol....didnt go body attack this week.....was busy moving my stuff from my uni halls back home and was just exhausted. But I made myself go to hulaerobics and salsacise......only just though!!!!! Also went to Vibe (spinning with a twist) on monday and that was brill. The instructer said next weeks session will be the hardest one yet and i wont be there......not happy about that.

I had a chinese today after wi so I am feeling a little guilty and a lot stuffed lol......I feel so bad and I really hope it doesnt show next week!!!!!!!!

I will start a new card next week, (to record my wi) already got it this week, fingers crossed the leaders helper wont make it look amess because that annoys me!!! Anyway thats all for now

Byeeee x x x

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Weight Loss Visual

Hey hey hey!

Ok so it looks like I have finally broken the "sts, -2, sts" cycle! YES!!!!

My stats for this week are:

Was: 13.2
Lost: -2
Now: 13 stone

Yep that means I got another Silver 7!! Love em lol. Next week must be my week for getting into the 12s.....fingers crossed I dont sts or gain!

Anyway this week has been a good one for me, no over eating stresses lol or anything like that and plenty of exercise.

As you may or may not know, I upgraded my gym membership and I decided go back to the gym i tried out last week gym...I found that I was more motivated to run! Yes thats right RUN! lol I mean the treadmills were hugeee and it just felt different to being on a smaller treadmill in the "low ceilined, HOT spot lighted, small ladies gym" at my regular gym. So yeh that was good.

I didnt get to go to Body Attack in the end because my legs were in agony from the stepper and I was tired anyway BUT I did try out 2 classes at the new gym and they were FABBBBBBBBBB. I did Hulaerobics and Salsa...absolutely fabulous I love it, Im definitely going back. I also did the group cycle class at my regular gym which has changed its name to vibe. AMAZING the music was good and the man was motivating and I am really going to miss that class when away.

Ok so now I am going to give u all a visual of the amount of weight I have lost...I started collecting this info last week when I was 13stone 2lbs so I am now even smaller, potentially.
This is when I first started ww last year (2008) at 16stone 3lbs in comparision to now:

And my then bmi...

This is where I was when I restarted ww this feb (2009) at 15sone 7lbs in comparison to now:

And my then bmi...

This is me now in comparison to my goal weight:

And my bmi now...

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Progress Report

I thought I would start off with a table view of my weightloss to date:

Pretty good huh?

This weeks stats are:

Was: 13st 4lbs
Lost: -2
Now: 13st 2lbs

Really happy with my loss this week, although I did think I would loose more because I sts last week. Anyway I have noticed a pattern occuring that goes something like this "sts, -2, sts, -2" Ridiculous eh? But then again at least there is consitancy of a kind.

Anyway I have decided to tell you all I have officially become a Body Attack feign lol. Yep, that because I am going to talk about it yet again. Basically I completely kept up and it felt gooooooood! No more feet shuffling going on for me, I was right up there lol. I dont know how I will do 2moro though because today was the day my gym membership was upgraded so now I can use the majority of the gyms in the country.........anyway I decided to try out a different branch today, only to find THERE WAS NO LADIES GYM! So rather than turn back I just got on with it...and I found a new piece of equipment...well not new but kind of because we have not got it in the ladies gym at my own branch but it is in the main gym...therefore i havent used it before (the stepper) WELL, im telling you now, my leags feel like lead!!!!!!!

You know that feeling you might have got when you first started exercising where your muscles ACHE well...yep I have that, so like I said we'll see how Body Attack goes 2moz and I only did 5mins of it aswell lol.

So anyway, this week was fine...really cant wait to see 12st something on the scales, I bought the Italian cookbook...this is getting ridiculous too, all this cookbook buying, I now have 3 *roll eyes* and no I have not cooked from any of them, but I like looking at them lol I really want the delicious 1 and the ww cooking scales!

Final thought: " i cant wait to get my free ww cookbook the sizzling summer 1.....it better be good lol"

Good Luck with your week x

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Dedication To Michael Jackson

This post is non ww related. It is a special dedication to The King of Pop

Michael Jackson

It is trully saddening and I am hurt by some of the messages I have seen written about him. The way I see it, he was cleared of all the allegations made and if he were guilty TRUST me they would have seen to it he was put away. Nevertheless, most people have been respectful.

"I Love Michael Jackson"
I send his family and children my condolenses and may he rest in peace.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

6th sense


Ur probably wondering "why 6th sense?"...and if your not, I bet you are now lol. Well I sts this week and once again I could just feel it in my body that I had sts. Gotta be my 6th sense right?

Anyway, this week has not been too bad. I went to body attack and again, there was repeatition of my feet shuffling along the floor half way through lol, however I will still continue as I can only get better, I hope.

I also went to RPM and it was hard but enjoyable. Will be doing both again this week but hopefully I will get round to my swimming too as I didnt quite manage it this week. I did want to go to a class called Group-Cycle yesterday because this woman at my gym was telling me how good it was and how the instructor gets off his bike and dances and its really motivating lol (gotta see that)....but my boyfriend came down on Sunday and only left today so I couldn't go :( I will definately be going next moday though. I think I also want to try Boxercise, Body Pump and Body Combat...although I am apprehensive about what they will involve (cant do press ups lol).

Anyway, I upgraded my membership so that I can use any Virgin gym in the country as I will be in a different city mid July for about 4weeks; I found out the local does hulaerobics and kettlebells...so I will defo try them.

Other than that everything has been fine!

Final thought....I had Pizza express yesterday and it was Yum, if you go and you have points to spare, well many points to spare lol, i recommend Apollo de Astra!


Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Lazy Week

Hey guys!

Hiiiii new followers *waves* thanks for following, hope you all enjoy!

My stats this week are:

Was: 13.6
Lost: -2
Now: 13.4

Woo! So yeh I lost 2lbs! BUT no I should not be celebrating because I think I really sts.....heres the story...

...I stayed in bed all day today and I played the sims3 for most of the day, I only got up to have a drink of orange juice!! And to have a shower!!! So I guess you're wondering how I managed to eat without getting up? Nope, unfortunately I have not discovered anything new lol...I simply did not eat. So now im thinking hmmmm.....next weeks wi will be fun, NOT because I think I will sts next week as I will be eating like I usually do before wi.

Anyway enough of that because Im starting to confuse and loose myself, so god help u guys when reading lol

Im reaaaaallllly sorry but there is more bad news...i went to the gym on wednesday and didnt go back until yesterday!!! What the hell was I thinking????????? You may well ask because I really dont know why I did that. I did have my cousins down but they are no strangers and I see them all the time, we are very close so I could have still gone to the gym, but no not me. Trust me it does not feel good.

This week I aim to do alot of cardio and a little bit of weights in order to hopefully save myself at the next wi.

Hope u all had a better week than I did

x x x

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Gotta Work Harder


I really need to push myself further this week as I have a feeling my weight loos may be slowing down...but Im always dramatic like that lol. I STS today so I have decided to go mad at the gym 2moz, Thursday and Friday.

OMG....talking about the gym....last wednesday or thursday (cant remember which) I went to Body Attack!!!! Special Shout out to Chanel for that (*waves*) lol......she posted about really enjoying body attack and it sounded really good so I went along (to one at my gym) and guys I am serious "IT REALLY ATTACKED MY BODY" lol.....it was such hard work...but I am going to continue because I can really see how it will improve my fitness...actually I am a bit shocked I STS this week because the work out was like MEGA lol. It got to the point where I just had no energy to lift my arms and legs...I kept moving but by the end my feet where shuffling along the floor lol.

For thouse of you who do not know what Body Attack involves...my gym
describe it as...

"A rocket fuelled combination of music and moves. Simple yet
effective choreography ensures that participants get fit, stay fit or get

So yeh thats it. Even though I was practically dead at the end I did consider walking through the spinning doors as the class was just starting but I didnt in the end...maybe I should have though, might have got me a weight loss this week.

Oh well never mind! Anyway this week overall has bee good for me. Since I started ww in feb I have not had an off week at all so thats a great achievment for me....dont want to jinx it though.

I also graduated from the 13 Stone Wannabes (had to reach 13st 7lbs) on the ww board and as a result I have joined the 12 Stone Chasers!

Ok well thats it for now...oh yeh I am going to go through the ww cook book I bought at wi today the "just for me" one...so see ya nxt week...or maybe mid week if I have anything signifcant to report.

p.s. Hope Chanel had a good time at the Beyonce Concert!!! Please please share the pics x x x

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Wi & Starting to think about goal

Hey Guys!

Well I am well happy tonight as i lost 3.5lbs at wi!!!!!! My Stats are now...

Was: 13st 9.5lbs
Lost: -3.5lbs
Now: 13st 6lbs

I have set my goal to 11st 7lbs and I have just realised that it is under 2st away!!!!! Its a bit scary to tell u the truth but I am getting there and before I know it I will be in those Miss Sixty's I want to get back into!!!

Ok so this week was a bit risky for me from Saturday - as we know the weather was gorge and it made me eat lol.....ok ok I made me eat I had 2 mini almond magnums amongst other things and 10 YES 10 CHOCOLATES from Thorntons - went over that day by 4.5 points and as you can tell I did not use my point wisely!!!

Sunday was the family BBQ day...I had 2 Turkey sausages, a 1/4 pounder burger, 1/2 a lamb shish kebab, 3 Chicken Legs and Salad (all through the course of the day) I did stick to diet coke But because I had to pull back points from Sat, I went over by 12 points!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say Monday was fun....NOT....I had 10 points to eat to compensate for the BBQ and I did it (I do not recommend my style of pigging out)

Anyway exercising was much better for me, didnt get time to do a class but I will try harder to do at least 1 this week. I did go to the gym 3x and swim 3x (1/2 mile non stop each time) and I also ran around the block down by the canal with my cousin (a fit skinny minnie) who said she was proud of me because she did not expect me to get as far as I did without stopping. Made me smile.

Anyway, onwards and upwards - well maybe that should be downward lol

Mwah x x x

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Slowed Down

Hiya guys!

I STS this week. I am not really disappointed because I did everything right, even upped the exercise but I stilll STS. I could feel it in my body that I had STS or gained!!!....I dont know why but i just had that feeling.

So my stats are the same as last week therefore I wont write them again.

HOWEVER......I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to a class at my gym!! After being too scared to go to a class, I plucked up the courage and went spinning. And I tell you it was fab I loved it. The seat is a little uncomfortable but nothing to worry about. We basically cycled very fast to a number of different tracks. Up hill/Down hill (the best lol)

Oh yeh AND also after wi i had a mini fish and chips (in my points) and guess what....I didnt feel the need to finish the whole thing!!! I actually felt full for the first time in my life and I threw the end bits away! BIG achievement for me, HUGE! lol

Ok well good luck for this week and hopefully I will start loosing again X

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

25lbs off

Yes you saw right lol.....i have lost 25 lbs...well 25lbs+ really.

I am really pleased as you could probably imagine. I am also really happy because [sorry if i mentioned this before] I feel like I am making progress. When I was wit ww last year the lightest i got to was 14st before I threw in the towel and gained weight again. So now that I am under 14st I feel like getting somewhere now whereas before I was just loosing what I should have never gained.

Basically, to put it simply, loosing weight has become eXciTiNg again lol.

Ok just incase you didnt know, I lost 3lbs with week and I am now 13st 9.5lbs.
So anyway I went to the gym today but I was not too happy with myself because I just felt tired and didnt go at it 100% like I usually do....Im a bit like Angie from The Biggest Loser, here she is: because "Im not happy until I see sweat, dripping" LOL....and I just was not seeing it today.
I did go for a swim too though for half an hour which went well, so not too bad.
Right then thats all for now
Cyas nxt week!

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

10% I am!

I got my 10% but it was a bitter sweet moment unfortunately!!!

There was a new leaders helper at wi and i had to go to her....she was finding it difficult to total up how many lbs i had lost....had to do it myself! AND she missed the fact that i got my 10%....i didnt realise either at the time becuase i was too busy telling her how many lbs i had lost and reminding her that I had gained another silver 7 at the same time!!!

I am well annoyed....their leader helpers are no good!!

So anyway I only found out I got my 10% when I got home and put the weight loss into the ww tracker.

Anyway enough moaning from me because I CRACKED ANOTHER STONE BARRIER..........WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! I am now in the 13s! Imagine that!

Here are my current stats for this week:

Lost: -2.5lbs
Was:14st 1lb
NOW 13st 12.5lbs

Sooooo this week was my bf's birthday and we went to the Ramada Hotel Birmingham City Centre...our room overlooked the canal and it was lovely. BUT i ate like an idiot!!! I saved my points on the friday and only ate a sandwich all day until he arrived from "outta town" lol and then when we go to the hotel we decided to have a Nandos takeaway so i had the new chicken wrap (pointed it as 8 points....purely a guess) and a corn on the cob. I RESISTED CHIPS!!! Oh yeh, i had a starter though....pitta bread and red pepper dip!

Then I had pineapple and mango slices from the mini Tescos shop next to the hotel, and then i had a 500ml gigner beer and also a 500ml Lucozade. I also bought a cheese salad......because i was too craven and copied my bf thinking i would be hungry in the hotel and need something to eat. However i didnt eat the CHEESE, laden with mayo salad at all.

On the Saturday we went to the Gourmet Burger Kitchen and i ordered a lamb burger and chips. BF had barbeque burger and chips and parmeson salad....we split out burgers and exchanged 1half and I had half of his salad! To drink i had diet 7up (good girl).

THEN in the evening I had a Pizza Express pizza and no i did not have the laggera....i had the pollo something and a hot chocolate and a diet coke and it was NICE but i felt guilty. Then we passed by the "tescos" and i got an egg sandwich (lite choices) just incase i got hungry, which i did later on so i ate that an alll.!!

Sunday morning (his birthday) before checkout we went to Cafe Rouge which was above the hotel and i had a nice breakfast....potatoe slices, scrambled egg, mushrooms, tomatoe, toast YUM YUM and a hot chocolate and that was me.

So yeh i was quite bad but i pointed it all up as best as i could and ate salad for the rest of the sunday, had 10points on the monday and ate salad the rest of it and then had a milky bar and salad on the tuesday (wi day) and i lost 2.5lbs.

Wont be doing that in a hurry again though.

Cya nxt week!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Oh so very nearly there!!!

I lost ANOTHER 2lbs!!! WOOP WOOP! I am so happy because I had Nandos twice this week and couldnt point it properly because I had a new addition to their menu. A chicken wrap!! AND omg it was so nice, hence why I went back for more lol...well actually that makes it sound worst then it is, heres what happened.

I went to the gym and opposite my gym is a Nandos, I was dying to try the new wrap from last week so I said I will have a hard work out at the gym and then go to have my lunch at Nandos..which i did. But then I went to do some uni work at my cousins and at dinner time they were like "lets go to Nandos" so i trundled along AGAIN...and had the sam thing.

I was good though because instead of chips i had a corn on the cob with both meals. And i had no butter or peri-naise!

OK so I cant really write much more than this because I have so much work to do over the next few weeks so I apologise in advance for the boring posts to come.

Im nearly in the 13s!!! OMG Fingers crossed for next week!

Had a good week, gymed it loads...lovin it.

Have a good week! x

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Last 2 weeks

OMG im so sorry, I did not realise i had not blogged last week!

I lost 0.5lbs last week which i was pleased with as a loss is a loss!

This week i lost a futher 2lbs woo!

I am now 14.3stone.......still in the 14s but not long to go now until i see the 13s.

Ive got loadssssssss of uni work to be doing and im so unmotivated at the mo but I have to become motivated as I have an exam in 2weeks time!

I have also put a stop to well basically binging on a take away after wi because I can see now it is hindering my weight loss. Hopefully the week coming i will get a bigger loss.

I have found some lovely things:

Options Belgian Choc Hot Choc 0.5points
Tescos lite chioces spag and meatballs YUM

And some other stuff i cant remember right now...good eh lol.

cya nxt week.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

On the move!

Thank god for wi on tuesday. I found out I am finally on the move again! I lost a further 2.5lbs after a 1lb gain last week.

So it was the wi after Easter....so I'm really happy! I was really good over Easter but then I saw my sisters Thorntons Bunny in the fridge that she had half eaten....I broke a piece off...then another piece...and then another!

But luckily I was good enough all week so it didnt really show on the scales.

Im really enjoying the gym, I got my programme set by a member of staff at the gym but I would still like ideas about what works for them at the gym. I still need to do a class but Im soooo scared I wont keep up.

Besides everytime I get the the gym I've missed the morning classes and I'm wayyyy too early for the evening classes so I guess I need to either get up earlier or go to the gym later. I suppose I wont have that problem when uni starts back agian. Hopefully.

Now: 14st 5.5lbs
loss of: -2.5lbs

Saturday, 11 April 2009

The Basics

Hello readers!

Thanks for dropping by a welcome to my blog. I am not new to blogging, however I am new to blogging on this site.

My blog will be about my battle to loose weight and to get healthy. Therefore it is called "The Body Battle". I call it a battle because that is exactly what it is and has been for me.


^ That very thing is my problem because as we know with food comes fat, well only if you don't know how to control your intake and guess what...unfortunately i dont! However, this is my journey or battle or whatever you want to call it to take control over food and not let "it" control me.

Ok so as I said I am not new to blogging so I am in two minds whether to transfer all of my previous postings over to here or to simply link it or both or none?

That's alot of "or's" which means alot of options so I guess I had better get on with it...so here it is
To read the story so far go to www.extrapounds.com/blog/revealinthemodel