Wednesday, 26 August 2009

And I thought last week was ridiculous...

...well this week just killed it! Take a look for yourself:

Was: 12st 5lbs
Lost: -0.5lb
Now: 12st 4.5lbs

A measly bloody half a pound. Absolutely ridiculous.

Anyway I have had an amazing week I drove back home (cuz im a motorway pro now) for my aunties surprise birthday party and it was fabulous!!!! She was well and truly surprised and she loved my gift. I got her a gift box from handycandy. I cook the macaroni cheese to bring to the party becuase its my speciality and guess what I DIDNT EAT IT!!!!!! Woooooohooooooooo! Thats like a revelation for me as its my favourite food ever. (see my very first post and you will see a pic of my speciality) It went down well too everyone LOVED it.

I thought I would have blown my points but I dont think I did (its hard to point caribbean food) as I really didnt eat much at all even though there was ALOT of food. I sipped on diet coke and resisted the lovely cocktail punches my cousin made up (loads of alcohol in em). We had a bouncing castle, the music revolved around the man himself Mr Michael Jackson and everyone turend up so it was a lovely family/family friends affair.

Of course I then drove back the MK to fulfill my duties for 1more week, during which I lost 0.5lb!!!!!!!!!

To be honest I have not been to the gym like forever so I am not surprised my weight loss is close to being non existant! I really want to go to the gym 2moro so I thing I wil get up early and go (plus my bf comes back from holiday)! I am 7lbs lighter since he has been away so will be nice to see if he notices.

Oh yeh thank you to mzhindmarsh who made me aware of

ITS the mo I have 3 items (see below) on there but as soon as I get back home I will upload more stuff. My name on there is "highfashion"...go to members and search me!

I really want a demin skirt as I have a vision of what I want to wear to uni this autumn and it involves a denim skirt, and these boots (with tights of course):

Thats all for now folks, have a nice week... thought: "does any1 actually read my posts?"


  1. well done on such great will power at the party, don't think i'd have succeeded! the main thing is that you enjoyed it.

    as for the half lb loss - it's still a loss! least it's going in the right direction!

    the boots are lovely, hope you find your denim skirt :) xx

  2. hi hun,
    Well done for resisting those macaroni cheese especialy if you made them great will power,you go girl!All the best.Carolexxakafrenchie73
