Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Slowed Down

Hiya guys!

I STS this week. I am not really disappointed because I did everything right, even upped the exercise but I stilll STS. I could feel it in my body that I had STS or gained!!!....I dont know why but i just had that feeling.

So my stats are the same as last week therefore I wont write them again.

HOWEVER......I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to a class at my gym!! After being too scared to go to a class, I plucked up the courage and went spinning. And I tell you it was fab I loved it. The seat is a little uncomfortable but nothing to worry about. We basically cycled very fast to a number of different tracks. Up hill/Down hill (the best lol)

Oh yeh AND also after wi i had a mini fish and chips (in my points) and guess what....I didnt feel the need to finish the whole thing!!! I actually felt full for the first time in my life and I threw the end bits away! BIG achievement for me, HUGE! lol

Ok well good luck for this week and hopefully I will start loosing again X

1 comment:

  1. Well done on trying a class at the gym, the pain of the seat eases after after a while. Good luck for your next wi. Chanel xx
