Thursday, 17 September 2009


OMG guess what? My wi starts at 7.15pm and I came home from uni and put a movie on and got into bed (i guess i was setting myself up for what happened next) I FELL ASLEEP!!! I must have dozed off at around 5pm and when i opened my eyes it was dead on 7.15pm!!!!!!!

I jumped up like the speed of lightening!!!! Then I thought, i will leave it until next week then at that very point something slapped sense into me as I grabbed my bag, my ww card, monthly pass, keys and ran to the car!!

Bare in mind it takes me about 20-25mins to drive to wi @ normal speed. Well i got into the car at 7.20 and arrived at wi at 7.35!!! I just thought OMG im late they will have packed away etc (as i dont stay for meetings and usually am in and out of there by 7.10 as the leader starts when she is ready) Well i was the last to get is how it went

Was: 12st 3lbs
Lost: -1lb
Now: 12st 2lbs
I really thought I would have put on this week but obviously i didnt. Anyway back to the story...I realised I had forgotton the £5 voucher to buy the ww kitchen scales!!!!!! My mom gave me £35 to buy them and there I was in the meeting with no voucher! Thank god for my leader as she had a spare I was able to get them and they are fab....really easy to use. I know its a bit late into my journey to have them but they will still come in handy. So there ya go.
My week this week has been a disaster. Thornton chocolates + Thornton chocolates = Over points alllll week!!! I even bought a hand blender and blitzed up some veg soup with sweet potatoe and butternut squash (yum 4.5points for the whole thing....ask for the receipe if you want it)! It obviously worked. Unfortunately I am over my points again today by 5.5!!! But i will pull it back!

I went to the gym twice last week as planned so this week im am going to try and make it 3x...starting 2moro!

Fingers crossed!
Also I got some lovely buys on skirts!!!!! I have neverrrr worn a mini skirt in public before (last time was about year8 - school skirt and it was not mini). It was a Criminal skirt i got for a £10 brand new.....bargain or what!!! Everyone commented on how well it suited mom, sister, cousin etc. I felt quite confident in it too. I also got a miss sixty mini skirt and a new look mini skirt, both denim but I will wear them when I get to goal (need to loose a few more lbs first)

Final thought: "I love loosing weight, I just wish the end stage was not so hard!"


  1. Love the of my main aims is to be able to wear a short skirt with opaques and knee high boots in winter. I think it looks so cute but at the momet i cant get boots to fit my calves!
    I have done the same as you, get into bed to waatcha movie or read or something and you fall asleep!

    Best of luck for a great week! x

  2. Well done for making it to WI! The skirts are fab, I need to get some as have leggings now but my denim skirt looks too long with them, lol!!
