Wednesday, 26 August 2009

And I thought last week was ridiculous...

...well this week just killed it! Take a look for yourself:

Was: 12st 5lbs
Lost: -0.5lb
Now: 12st 4.5lbs

A measly bloody half a pound. Absolutely ridiculous.

Anyway I have had an amazing week I drove back home (cuz im a motorway pro now) for my aunties surprise birthday party and it was fabulous!!!! She was well and truly surprised and she loved my gift. I got her a gift box from handycandy. I cook the macaroni cheese to bring to the party becuase its my speciality and guess what I DIDNT EAT IT!!!!!! Woooooohooooooooo! Thats like a revelation for me as its my favourite food ever. (see my very first post and you will see a pic of my speciality) It went down well too everyone LOVED it.

I thought I would have blown my points but I dont think I did (its hard to point caribbean food) as I really didnt eat much at all even though there was ALOT of food. I sipped on diet coke and resisted the lovely cocktail punches my cousin made up (loads of alcohol in em). We had a bouncing castle, the music revolved around the man himself Mr Michael Jackson and everyone turend up so it was a lovely family/family friends affair.

Of course I then drove back the MK to fulfill my duties for 1more week, during which I lost 0.5lb!!!!!!!!!

To be honest I have not been to the gym like forever so I am not surprised my weight loss is close to being non existant! I really want to go to the gym 2moro so I thing I wil get up early and go (plus my bf comes back from holiday)! I am 7lbs lighter since he has been away so will be nice to see if he notices.

Oh yeh thank you to mzhindmarsh who made me aware of

ITS the mo I have 3 items (see below) on there but as soon as I get back home I will upload more stuff. My name on there is "highfashion"...go to members and search me!

I really want a demin skirt as I have a vision of what I want to wear to uni this autumn and it involves a denim skirt, and these boots (with tights of course):

Thats all for now folks, have a nice week... thought: "does any1 actually read my posts?"

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

feeling like BLEUGGGH!

Weight went ok....did hope to loose a little more but nevermind:

Was: 12st 6lbs
Lost: -1lb
Now: 12st 5lbs

So 1lb, nothing great but I should moan either. I have sorta written this week off already as my aunty is having a surprise bday party on Saturday and there is going to be LOADSSSSSSSSSSSSS of good food I have not eaten in ages!!!!!! But then again I suppose I should still try as I really want to get to goal and I really want a loss next week.

Also I had a McDonalds for dinner 2night and I havent pointed anything so I feel like Im loosing already........not loosing weight lol.....loosing the week!

I will point it though cuz I have only had a glass of orange juice and about 5points worth of pasta 2day so I suppose it is not too bad really. I need to save points for saturday if I am going to be successful any at all!!! And Im so hungry all the time!

Has Any1 got any nice 0.point snack suggestions I can fill up on?

I would also like to take the opportunity to draw ur attention to the GOAL countdown over ------> there and also if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find my weight and bmi tracker.....I have no idea how to get it to the top of the blog where normal people have it.

Anyway thats all for now.......oh yeh aint been gym in like 2weeks but I have been running outside....I cant wait to get home so I can get back into my routine.

Final thought: "I wonder how I will manage going the gym balanced with placement, placement portfolio, uni lectures, assignments and a dissertation?????? hmmmm!"

x x x

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Congratulations to MEEEEEEE!

I have just spent the morning working out all of my achievements and if you dont mind me saying they are fanttttttttttaaaastic!!!! I will start with how I got on at wi:

Was: 12st 8lbs
Lost: -2lbs
Now: 12st 6lbs

Woohoooo! Ok well I got my 6th silver 7 yesterday meaning I have lost 3stone 1lb on this journey (feb-now) not to mention the 10 or 11lb I lost last year during my 1st ww attempt!

I checked my BMI and as it stand I AM HEALTHYYYYY!!!! My BMI is 24.96 and I am welllllll pleased!!! I have 13lbs to go until I get to goal now and I can hardly wait. As you all might know I have not being weighing at my normal ww because Im in a different city (for another 3weeks now) so I have been a visitor! I am hoping my leader will be proud by the time I get back, which should be just intime to scoop up my 50lbs certificate...which I hope I dont achieve before I get back (sounds silly, I know)

Actually I am also hoping that the ww scales at my normal meeting dont show me something ugly when I jump on them lol......nevertheless it will only be a few lbs difference if any at all. But forget that, i'll cross that bridge when I get to it as NOTHING as in NADA can burst my bubble today!!!!!!!!

I wonder if I look different compared to when my bf went on holiday (2.5wks ago)??? Hopefully he will have a nice surprise when he gets back anyway (3weeks from now).

Good Luck to all with their weight loss this week!
x x x

Thursday, 6 August 2009


Hello all...

I am so naughty....I have left it so long to post and look its thursday already lol. Well anyway im sort of slipping but I think I have caught myself. Actually first of all let me reveal how this weeks wi went:

Was: 12st 9.5lbs
Lost: -1.5lbs
Now: 12st 8lbs

So wi went well......for some reason I was really dreading it and actually felt ill stepping on to the scales lol but yeh that went ok. But now I have to find a new building in a city I am not from of familiar with...because the ww meeting is moving for 2weeks because of something so that should be fun...NOT (remember that lol, saying "not" after everything)

Ok well here's the "slipping" part- after wi I had a chicken kebab and chips...not too bad but I then had a 1/4 of my sisters beef and onion pie and the chicken kebab was horrible...tasted a bit burnt like charcoally but not in a good way BUT yes i still ate it lol. AND then today my sister said "i want a pizza" - shes 6years old. - so I said OK lets order a pizza.......HOWEVER I did order it with low fat cheese but the chicken kicker side couldnt have helped lol

So anyway to compensate for that I promised to go skipping out side with my sister and I nearly backed out but she wouldnt let me so round of applause for her...I got on my gear (sound a bit like a drug dealer there lol)...I'l start again....I put on my exercising clothes and she skipped and I ran....Loved it, definately going again 2moz...actually I want to go all week...I think that should be my goal for this week.

Finally I didnt go gym today as planned but I will definately go 2moro...

Final final thought of the night..."I cant wait to eat 2moz" yep, im feeling like that unfortuantely

x x x